Friday, July 15, 2005

the salesman's job

this morning i had a discussion going with my colleagues on the job of a sales guy in this IT industry.. seems like competent guys are hard to come by..

sales is probably the most personal of all jobs.. we all must have heard about the 'lonely sales guy'.. glamorous it seems for others, the sales guy is the most tortured soul around.. you can experience all sorts of emotions in a day, you could win some, lose some, win a losing deal and vice versa, can feel elated, cheated, irritated, can be made to feel like a fool, shouted upon, walk into a meeting full of ideas, come back thoughtless, and what more..

so we got discussing, why would anyone choose this as a profession.. especially guys, say, from a top notch B-school or so, with so many options before them in the wake of sunrise industries like IT and other services, why would they settle for a career in sales.. even if they choose so, we find many of them coming with a totally different perspective on sales and seem to flounder and get out within a year or so..

the b-schools need to drive the right inclination among the wards..

and the industry probably should start doubling the pay for guys in sales.. ;) !

1 comment:

. : A : . said...

Interesting perspective. You are quite right too.
